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A little boy danced non-stop for 2 hours in the corner of a hospital, and the person who filmed it said, "I've been getting injections for 3 days, and watched him dance for 2 days. His grandmother says he often dances at home as well."

 On August 8th, according to Future Network's report, a woman in Yongkang, Zhejiang, repeatedly encountered a child dancing alone in a hospital while she was receiving an IV drip, saying that an unassuming corner had an exceptionally cute and noticeable package.

The person who filmed it stated that she had been receiving an IV drip for 2 hours, and the little boy danced for the entire 2 hours, only stopping to take a drink of water.

The person also mentioned that she had been receiving IV treatment not just for one day, but for three consecutive days, and the little boy danced for two of those days. The boy's grandmother said that he loves to dance and often dances at home.

After this story hit the trending topics, it sparked a heated discussion among netizens, with comments like, "Suggestion box: You keep dancing at me like this, how can I have any objections?" "Hahaha, look at how his little butt is twisting," and "Whose child is this cute? Facing such a persistent child every day, the suggestion box must have no objections."
